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Welcome Future Cub Scouts and Parents!


Cub Scouts

Cub Scouting means "doing".  Everything in Cub Scouting is designed to have the scouts doing things. Activities are used to achieve the aims of Scouting—citizenship training, character development, and personal fitness. Many of the activities happen right in the den and pack meetings.

Of course, then there’s the camping and other activities.  From fishing to BB guns, hiking to camping, and the all-important roasting marshmallows over the campfire, we love to get out and have fun.  We tour historic sites, play games, and help make our community better.

Apart from the fun and excitement of Cub Scout activities, the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack, and the Cub Scout sign, handshake, motto, and salute all teach good citizenship and contribute to a scout’s sense of belonging.

Pack 46 strives to help each scout achieve his or her best and to follow the path of Scouting. Our goal is to provide each Cub with opportunities to achieve success in life development, leadership skills and Scouting knowledge while having fun and excitement!


Benefits of Cub Scouting

As a worldwide brotherhood, Scouting is unique. It is based on the principles of loving and serving God, of human dignity and the rights of individuals, and of recognizing the obligation of members to develop and use their potential. It is a movement dedicated to bringing out the best in people. Cub Scouting doesn’t emphasize winning as an end result, but rather the far more demanding task of doing one’s best.

Scouting can help nurture courage and kindness and allows boys and girls to play, to laugh, to develop their imaginations, and to express their feelings, then we will have helped them grow. We want them to become useful and stable individuals who are aware of their own potential. Helping them to learn the value of his own worth is the greatest gift we can offer them.

Parents of Cub Scouts

In Cub Scouting, scouts and their families have fun and adventure in a program that builds character and instills values. Cub Scouting embraces the values of citizenship, compassion, cooperation, courage, faith, health and fitness, honesty, perseverance, positive attitude, resourcefulness, respect, and responsibility. These values come to scouts in all parts of the Cub Scout program—all while they’re having a great time with their friends and families.


Pack 46 Guides

Two-Deep Leadership

We take great pride in the safety of our scouts and the quality of our leadership.  We strive to give our leaders the most up-to-date training and require anyone who works directly with our youth to have current Youth Protection Training (YPT).  You do not have to be a registered member of Boy Scouts of America to take the training. The most important rule we follow is Two-Deep Leadership. This simply means that at no time is one adult to ever be alone with one scout (Parents of course are OK to be alone with their scouts). This means there will always need to be another adult in the room during a den meeting or on an outing.


Cub Scouts uniforms are usually worn to all the meetings. These are called "Class A" uniforms. Class A's consist of a hat, neckerchief and slide, a tucked in uniformed shirt with appropriate insignia and a belt.  Every two years we order Pack specific T-Shirt and these are called "Class B's." These will be worn in a camp site or as directed by the Cubmaster or Den Leader.   (See BSA Uniform Guidelines)


The Pack does not require the official BSA pants, but asks that the pants or shorts worn by the Scouts be clean and in good condition. Basketball shorts tend to make it difficult to tuck the in a uniformed shirt.  Webelos should use the guidelines for the tan shirts.


Many hands make light work. We have many different opportunities for you to help our pack continue to be successful. Most tasks only occur once or twice a year. Others may revolve just around an event. Regardless of your experience we have a position for you. 

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Each Den is made up of scouts the same age and will work together to advance by mastering a set group of knowledge and task called adventures.  Each adventure has a theme designed to introduce them to scout skills and help them understand their community. All the adventures are age appropriate and when completed the scout will be awarded a "Belt Loop" to be placed on the scout's belt.  

Pack Meeting

A Pack meeting happens every month (usually).  It involves a meeting with all the dens together to celebrate every scouts accomplishment so far. Scouts will learn chants, cheers and be awarded their adventure belt loops and be positively recognized for their hard work.  Young scouts see learn from the older scouts and have fun playing games, singing songs, and performing skits. It is a lot fun for everyone. 


Every scout and adult adult volunteer must complete an official membership form packet.  This packet includes a registration form, a health form, a parent interest survey, and a membership fee. Our pack membership fee is collected in August and will cover the expense of providing each scout awards, badges, handbooks, T-shirts, application fees with BSA, Scout outing insurance, craft and education materials, and a 1 year subscription to Boy's Life. Part C only needs to be completed if you think your scout might attend a Summer Camp.  When in doubt it is best to go ahead and have it filled out. No scout will be denied membership based solely on financial hardship.  See the Cubmaster or a Committee member if you need assistance.

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Common Scouting Acronyms

ACM Adult Committee Meeting  

ADC Assistant District Commissioner  

AOL Arrow of Light  

AOM Award of Merit  

BALOO Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation  

BL Boys Life Magazine  

BLT Basic Leadership Training  

BSA Boy Scouts of America   

CC Committee Chairman    

CMS Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools  

CO Charter Organization (local organization who holds the unit charter)

COR Chartered Organization Representative   

DC District Commissioner  

DE District Executive   

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions  

FOS Friends of Scouting

KISMIT Keep It Simple Make It Fun 

LNT Leave No Trace  

MCC Mecklenburg County Council

MPC Matthews Presbyterian Church  

RT Roundtable  

S.E.A.L.S. Scouts Excited About Leadership Skills (leadership training for Scouts ages 12-14)

WB Wood Badge  

YIS Yours in Scouting (usually used as part of the signature line in the closing of an email or letter)

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