Pack Volunteer Leadership Positions
We have an amazing group of parent volunteer leaders committed to delivering a fantastic Cub Scouting experience. We welcome you to join our team!

Assistant Cubmaster
Charter Organizational Representative
Pack Committee Chair


New Member Coordinators
Pack Trainer

Tiger Den Leaders
Wolf Den Leaders

Bear Den Leaders

Webelos Den Leaders
AOL Den Leaders

Lion Den Leader

We also have a lot of jobs that don't require a formal position because they are intermittent or only happen once a year. They always have the full support of the committee and don't require any experience or special training. If you don't see one that interests you or you have a suggestion, let us know! Working together, we can make sure the Pack is successful. Below are a few of the areas where we could use some additional help.
Secretary - attends the Pack Committee meetings, records and distributes minutes.
Public Relations / Social Media Coordinator - Helps to keep Facebook page, website, etc. up-to-date with pictures and event information.
Outings Coordinator - helps plan and coordinate our camping trips and other outings.
Blue and Gold Planner - Blue and Gold is the Birthday of Cub Scouts and is treated like one with cake and decorations. A pot-luck is usually organized and the Cubmaster will run an extra special Pack meeting.
Pinewood Derby Pit Crew - This person will help set up tables and chairs for the Pinewood derby. They will also create a few stations for car repairs, weigh-ins and then handle clean up afterwards.
Summer Camp Coordinator - Collects paperwork and checks for the upcoming camps. Will handle getting the Cub Scouts registered for camp and making sure the parents have all the important information.
Den Leader Assistant - Is the second adult need in a den meeting make sure we abide by the Two-Deep Leader Requirement. Might also cover for the Den Leader if a conflict arises.
Photographer - Takes pictures at events and meetings and posts them in the Pack's Google Photos / Facebook.
Sign-Up Genius Guru - Creates Sign Up Genius pages for events and outings on the calendar.
Awards Shopper - Make a once a month trip with the Pack shopping list to the Scout Shop in downtown Charlotte to pick up belt loops and awards.
Fundraising Coordinator - Helps coordinate various fundraising activities for the Pack.
Pack Meeting Set Up Crew - Arrive early to the monthly Pack meetings and helps set up chairs and tables.